I've just been checking out Wired's games blog, written by an excellent voice in the games industry going by the name of Chris Kohler. Chris used to freelance for Nintendo Official Magazine when I was editor a few years back.
Some research he's uncovered in the States reports that gamers are less likely to buy a game if they rent it first. I get their point, but with the saturation of sites like Lovefilm can it be a bad thing if gamers want to try-before-they-buy?
I don't know about anyone else, but games like Eternal Sonata appear interesting but I'm less likely to splash the cash on something off-beat like this than the likes of Pro Evo, Call of Duty or Orange Box. Games are £40 or so, unless you can find an offer at Hot UK Deals, or another money-saving site. That's where a game rental comes in. Don't ditch them just yet Lovefilm!
In other news, the Father of PlayStation is to be honoured and you can get Virtua Tennis 3 for PS3 on the cheap!
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I agree with the likelihood of rentals leading to less purchases, but that's probably more down to the quality of games being rented than anything else, and the price.
I'd happily risk £5 on a game for a week of playing, or drop 1000 MS points for something on Xbox Live, but even as a 30-year-old, I don't have the time and money to be dropping £40 on every game I buy.
As it is, I end up buying all my games secondhand, in special offers, or getting them by doing occasional freelance work...
Incidentally, I'd be intrigued to see what you might think of:
I'll check out Disposable Media - it's downloading now onto my desktop. Looks intriguing! Is this something you do yourself?
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